Do Ants Smell?

i swear to return to blogging at least once a day, now that i've returned to my life in san francisco (even though there's been quite an upheaval in my work life...). so that starts tomorrow. i swear.

anyway, i can't wait. i have so much to share!

like, in addition to further episodes of breezy elegance, we have the upcoming Birthday Celebration Ass Picture; the next installment of "My Friends Are Way Cooler Than I Am" (hi, MakeOutKate!); more Bad Things Men Say; extended ignoring of my weight loss and knitting; and, finally, 20 of the most romantic minutes i've spent in san francisco (for the record? happened tonight.)

ya' just never know.

p.s. you're wondering about the title of this post? me, too. for some reason PinkJaime today announced that something we were walking by reminded her of The Smell Of Ants. which is maybe the weirdest thing i've ever heard of. seriously, i cannot believe that ants smell. but she insists they do, and that wet paint reminds her of that smell. i just think she's crazy, but what do i know. maybe ants do smell...


  1. Must be some guy hey!!!!

  2. I don't know about a smell, but I do know that those little black ant you often see in kitchens are very spicy & piquant creatures. My only excuse is that I now know to never take a piece of ham straight from a pan in the oven without turning the kitchen light on first...

  3. speaking of ants, how ya doin'?

  4. She's smelling ant killing stuff, turpentine (also found in paint?) will kill ants and sometimes that's what it's used for. Maybe? Perhaps? No? okay....

  5. yeah, i am imagining that she remembers the smell of some type of bug killing chemical.

  6. i seriously have a childhood recollection of the smell of ants. they smell kind of like almonds, or cherry stems.


  8. I'm sure pretty carpenter ants smell like paint.

  9. Upheaval at work? Sounds ominous. Hope you're OK.

  10. Good luck with the dickhead at work. You'll need it. ;-)

  11. I am telling you guys, ants have a VERY distinct smell. And it's not the chemicals. It's only black ants that have this smell, red ones don't. And it's only on a hot summer day when there are a lot of them that you can smell it. REALLY! I SWEAR i am not crazy :)

  12. I don't know about ants, but I have a co-worker who swears sneezes have a scent -a uniquely sneeze-smell.

  13. To follow up on the link to the details about formic acid:
    "The common Black Ants and Wood Ants have no sting, but they can squirt a spray of formic acid." (from PinkJamie is very olfactorily advanced, apparently. :-)

  14. ..speaking of work. What is it you do anyway?????

  15. i like geeklove :)

  16. I didn't think ants smelled!

  17. People try to argue with me about the smell of worms. I swear they have an odor- it fills the air on most rainy days. And please don't try to tell me it's just wet dirt. It's the worms.

  18. I googled 'ants smell' and found your blog. Im telling you they do! Those in my office at least. hehe

  19. I was googling "can ants smell" meaning can they smell things like scented lotions - I got a strawberry daquiri scented lotion set for my b-day and was wondering if I would wake up in the AM covered in the critters. lol No news on that but I did find an answer to the question of "DO ants smell" on a pest control site that I thought I would share here.

    Odorous house ants (Tapinoma sessile) - When we were kids growing up in Southern California, the Odorous house ant - or grease ant - was the dominant species. They are named after the rotten odor they exude when crushed. Odorous house ants grow to be a little larger, on average, than the Argentine ant. But size doesn't matter. The Odorous house ant has been displaced from much of its homeland by the highly organized Argentine ant populations. Odorous house ants do not bite or sting.

  20. Hi, I completely understand, PinkJaime! Ants do have a very distinct smell. My mom and I can both smell ants and people always think that we're crazy! I guess maybe some people just can't smell it...I don't know. You can smell it when there are a lot of them, like you said, or if you squish one. Morbid, I know, but it's true.

  21. was your brain removed?

  22. Ants follow the smell for communicating with other and reaching to the food sources. Some investigator ants find food, when they find, spread smell. Then the worker ants follow that smell and reach to the food sources.

    gel ant bait

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