I Can Always Write About Swim Class. Also, I Need Suggestions...

This is utterly bizarre, the concept of posting every day just to post every day. It's 10:30 at night and there's no humanly way I can be coherent now, but I also can't fail at NaBloPoMo on day two.

(Well, I mean, I COULD. But I would feel a terrible sense of disgrace. Sort of like that semi-diet thing I started when I started going to the gym 3 days a week. Because while I've kept up with the gym (except for last week, shush) there was also a little matter of Halloween and all its amazing candy that I would never otherwise have in the house.)

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Hey, are you guys playing Farmville? Can someone explain to me why I am playing Farmville? I found myself trying to explain about my newly acquired farming proclivities to my mother-in-law and it didn't go so well. She tried really hard to sound interested and encouraging, but I'm certain that in the back of her mind she was concerned about her granddaughter's primary care giver spending great chunks of time planting cartoon pumpkins for fake money.

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There's a woman in my swim class who speaks Catalan. She is funny and silly, and I'd put her in her upper 60s. Definitely not elderly by any stretch. She is my favorite woman in the class, not just because she talks to me, but because during my second class when the instructor asked if anyone needed anything, she replied in her thick accent, "a martini."

Today we had a substitute instructor who works us a lot harder than our regular girl. I enjoy the change, but the other members of the class DO NOT LIKE CHANGE. And they don't like working so hard. Halfway through this substitute's workouts, half the class revolts and starts ignoring the workout, which means they then become obstacles I have to swim around as politely as possible.


Today we were doing 30-second intervals of intense cardio bursts, and while I was frantically water jogging, I heard the woman chanting "go, go, go, go" from behind me. I turned to see what she was on about, and realized she was cheering for me, while she casually half-jogged in place. I smiled at her through my heavy breathing. When we slowed down for the next 30 seconds, she swam over to me and said, "Ees good. You are da baby of dee class. You sweem very hard." Then she gave a nod of her head to her friend, "We, eh, we are old. WE COULD DIE."

You have to understand that this was hilarious because there is no way this woman would die from water jogging, she just didn't really feel like doing it.

Maybe you had to be there.

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In case you missed it, I DID update the post about Johan the Wonder Swede (to include a photo).

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I am putting together a gift-giving guide (for guys) for BlogHer, due this Friday. I have many good ideas for it, but wanted your suggestions/advice/feedback, too. Is there an AWESOME gift for guys out there I should know about? (I'm kind of a catalog hound and so I know a lot of what's out there, but...)



  1. I was telling two coworkers about how I plan to start the Couch to 5K thing this week and that it starts with alternating walking and running. One of them, a 27 year-old guy (I am 32) who is a runner, gestures toward me when saying "It's bad for older people to go back and forth between running and walking like that. It's hard on the heart." He swears he meant older as in elderly, but now when I go running tonight, the combination of that and this post is going to have me thinking "I COULD DIE" the whole time.

  2. I have a husband who is extremely hard to buy for. He typically takes his gifts back to the store and exchanges them for (more) toys for the kids.

    Total killjoy, but it makes him happy.

    Be that as it may, never underestimate the primal joy men experience while playing in the basement. I bought my husband (who is the antithesis of "basement husband") a dart board, a few sets of darts, a mini-bar fridge, a fold-up table, and a poker set with cards & chips all fancy-like in a stainless-steel case.

    He also enjoys getting new pillows. And the "Forrest Gump" soundtrack was a big hit, as was a subscription to "Maxim".

    Best of luck, and keep up the good work! I so enjoy reading about your adventures with Eve.

  3. The water aerobics class sounds like such a hoot. If only they were remotely as interesting at my pool.

    I have no gift suggestions, but I'd love to read your list. Men are terrible to buy for.

  4. heh, Farmville. Never would have pegged you for the type. Come to think of it, most of my fb friends that do that app are mothers of small children.

    How about posting about the kitties and their reaction to the new little person in the house? With pictures, or perhaps illustrations? ;)

  5. I LOVE NaBloPoMo because now we get to read you every day! Keep up the good work! :)

  6. My husband sucked me into Farmville. I cannot TELL you how excited I was when kittens started showing up... but now I feel the need to explain myself to people, and well... I can't!

  7. Superfantastic, I've done Couch to 5K and it's awesome! I promise you won't die!

    Kristie, I think your next order of business is martinis with the Catalan.

  8. That lady is my kind of woman. When I am old, I will ask for martinis in swim class too.

    I had to give up Farmville. I was dreaming about it at night and rearranging my farm for hours. My husband was questioning my sanity.

  9. Gift for guys- totally unnecessary. Combo bun toaster hot dog warmer. Aren't those wierd?

  10. hahahaha! I like this posting everyday thing.

  11. I think....Farmville and Farmtown give us the sense of accomplishment that we crave. We can see what we've done. It hasn't exhausted us to do the work, and then, voila...we've created this really cool looking farm. There is also a social component. It's nice because we can decide if or when we want to talk to other farmers or if we just want to piddle away on our own farm. That's my take on it.

  12. It's a no brainer that I love your posts on precious Eve baby. But puleesze, for the love of all things hilarious, do not stop blogging your swim stories. I love them!! Still laughing at this one. :)

  13. Head light, the kind used for backpacking... my husband, sons, Dad, FIL and BIL use theirs ALL the time for reading, trips to the garage, working on the house while the electricity is off... you get the idea!

  14. Is Farmville like "Papaya Farm"? A friend insisted I must have it on my new iPhone. So I was showing my iPhone to my mom and explaining what I knew about Papaya Farm. It went like this.."so I guess you create your own farm of papayas on your phone and you can play with them...and you have to be careful cuz your friends will try to steal them.." and then I shut up because my mom was all :o

  15. Hello! My name is Nancy ("Hello, Nancy!" - this is the imaginary FV support group in my head, just FYI) and I play FarmVille. Why? You plow, you plant and you harvest. Sometimes you move the little animals around. There is no stress and, unlike work, every project has a beginning, middle and an end.


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