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All Good Things

I have good news and I have bad news. The bad news (which isn't really) is that I am giving up the ghost. I am retiring this blog.  Retiring it, I must add, after... wait for it... EIGHT-AND-A-HALF YEARS. Eight is a lot of years, Invisible Internet Friends. And you know that everything in my life is so far, and so different, from where it was when I began this crazy blog-thing. Writing about being huddled over my laptop shirtless, slurping soup, before another internet date. (Shirtless because I didn't want to get soup stains on my date-night shirt; soup because it was literally the only thing in my entire apartment that could come close to qualifying as "dinner material.") It's not like I have my act together now. It's just packaged differently. Not SF; Napa. Not single; married. Not bored at work; overworked. And there are kids somewhere around here, probably using permanent marker to draw "pirates" on "your fings, mama." And ye...

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